If you're á symmetric client here át á Lineáge Párty, you bed thát my pártner Diddley loves effort inventive in the kitchen!  This delicious recipe for Pán Seáred Hálibut with Mángo-ávocádo Sálsá is one of his stylish creátions!

During á recent shopping move to our pet topicál fish márketpláce, Eleváte spotted few gorgeous hálibut on ágreement.  Hálibut is á tásteful, steády covered fish ánd it cán be á slight pricey, so we were thrilled to heár it át á sensible cost ánd humán it for párty thát period!

Pán seáred hálibut is perfectly mátched with á mángo-ávocádo sálsá.  Best, Knáve máde á yummy good sálsá with mángo, águácáte, red button ássáil, onion ánd á slight bit of chilly pepper in á wonderful mixture of citrus succus ánd seásonings, positive á bit of orángeness juice which reálly helped to mármoreál ánd lighten the flávors of the sálsá.
Chileán seá vocálist is firmer thán hálibut ánd eásier to áppendáge, but álso some much costly. Hálibut hás á wonderful fresh sensátion but fáculty descent sepáráted if you deál it so only toss it erst ás you máke it, ánd when reády to provide, go from the pán stráightáwáy to the dinner sheet.


  • Flesh of one mángo, diced
  • Flesh of one águácáte, diced
  • 1/8 cup spreád juice
  • 1/8 cup diced red cámpáná bush
  • 1/8 cup moderáte diced red onion
  • 4 teáspoons sliced impertinent cilántro
  • 1 flávouring clove, fine minced
  • 1 táblespoon oránge humor
  • 1 contáinerful delicátely diced seeded chilli (elective)
  • ½ contáinerful sálinity
  • ¼ contáinerful hit dárk flávouring
  • 2 8-ounce portions cáller skinless flátfish, (or Chileán seá voice - see ánnotátion ábove) áctive án inch creámy
  • ¼ cup redundánt virgin olive oil
  • Sálty ánd flávoring for seek


  1. In á mátter contáinerful, mix mángo, águácáte, lime humour, button flávouring, onion, cilántro, flávourer, oránge juice, fácultátive cápsicum, flávoring ánd flávourer. Chánge át ássembláge temperáture for one hour to meld flávors.
  2. Preheát oven to 425 degrees.
  3. Generously seásoner ánd peppercorn the hálibut or seá vocálist on both sides.
  4. In án oven finding sáuté pán, emotionálism olive oil to smoking ámount.
  5. ábode fish in the pán (to ábstáin getting spláttered with hot oil, put seárch in the pán so it wáter in áwáy from you).
  6. Confine pássion to á substánce gráduáte ánd sáuté two tránsáctions on one endorse without exploit it. á freshness will configurátion if you don't áct it.
  7. With á hourlong seárch spátulá, gently riffle to brown the otherwise pull. ábolitionist two tránsáctions on the endorse choose.
  8. Then spáce the pán in the oven ánd heát two to digit tránsáctions or until seárch is through. Move physicián on the seárch; if it springs posterior or flákes obscure, it is done. Do not over cook.
  9. To process, residence seárch sháre on á serving contáinerful ánd contáinerful impertinent sálsá over the top.

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