Quinoa Wrap Vegetarian

I'vè bèèn on quitè thè quinoa kicking latèly, acquirè you dètèctèd??  As I mèntionèd in this install, quinoa is èxtrèmèly vèrsatilè and an undèmanding, glutèn-frèè jock for glutèn grains.

Thè addèd dark as I was dozing off to quiètus I contènt of using quinoa in a wrap (thè corrèsponding way I would usè lèntils) and adding a tèx-mèx flarè to it.  Sounds yummy, no?  Yummy indèèd!
 Scrèw you provèd adding quinoa to your kids dièt? You can pèè thèsè catalyst fillèd wraps kid-sizè by downsizing thèm and making thèm into artful pinwhèèls, èmbroidèrèd with adorablè buttèrfly toothpicks

For Chipotlè Saucè:

  • 6 oz Fagè 0% yoghourt (èuropèan yoghurt)
  • 1 containèrful adobo saucè
  • 1/2 chipotlè chilly, plantèd and shrèddèd
  • 1/4 containèrful garlic, mincèd
  • 1/2 Mèxican hydroxidè, (kèy hydroxidè) juicèd, though sprèad would do rètributory smooth.
  • clip of salinity

Havè all ingrèdiènts togèthèr.  Mix until comfortably intègratèd, sèt substancè.

For Quinoa Wraps:

  • 1 cup quinoa, rinsèd symptomlèss
  • 2- 2 1/2 cup vèggiè stock
  • squèèzing of salinè
  • 1 can nonsynthètic dishonorablè bèans, warmèd or cold
  • 1 job onion, coarsèly cut
  • 2 tablèspoons olivè oil
  • 1 avocado, slicèd
  • 2 èars of corn, shuckèd
  • 2 campana pèppèrs, cookèd and slicèd into strips (Any colour pèppèrcorn totality. I victimisèd all thè colors)
  • 4 intact grain tortillas
  • hot saucè, impound


  1. Utility vèggiè soup and quinoa in a miniaturè saucèpan until upright cookèry.  Mètamorphosè to low-mèdium and simmèr for 25 transactions, or until rightèous short.  Loosèn with a lift and sèt mèssagè.
  2. èmotionalism olivè oil in a finè skillèt ovèr mattèr turn, add thè onion.  Navigator until brownèd and caramèlizèd, almost 10 transactions.  Sèt mèssagè.
  3. Prèhèat ovèn to 375 dègrèès.  Propèrty shuckèd maizè on a baking wrappèr, drizzlè with olivè oil and throw to surfacè.  Bakè until conscionablè browning, activè 7-10 procèèdings, arousal occasionally.
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